Here’s another week of memes about life, the universe, and everything. Enjoy!
#ThanksImCured. How many of us have been told by people to “just be happy”. Shoot, was that a switch I could turn off this whole time? I had no idea!
Because I’m the kind of person who hates when people just say “don’t do that” without giving a helpful alternative, I’ll add this: If you’re trying to support someone you love, one really helpful place to start is inviting them to tell you more. If they choose to share a little with you, help them feel heard by responding with something validating, like “that sounds really hard”. You don’t have to fix it. Just listen.
This one goes out to my anxiously attached folks. Having needs does not mean you’re “needy”! It really makes me sad when I hear people getting down on themselves for wanting to see their partner more than once a week, or to have a daily check in by phone or text. True, there will always be people who don’t want those things, and that’s okay, too, but it doesn’t sound like a mutually fulfilling relationship if both partners’ needs aren’t getting met.
This reminds me of the 5-5-5 rule. Will this thing you’re worrying about matter 5 days from now? 5 weeks? 5 months? As a bonus, will anyone even remember this in 5 years? I’m betting you won’t.
Can you imagine what your mind would feel like if you thought about all the good things you’ve done as much as you think about the mistakes you’ve made? Focusing on the positive can actually help rewire your brain. It’s kind of like picking a path to walk down. If I’m walking down the “I’m such a loser” thoughts path, it’s going to be very well-worn, smooth, and easy to access at any time. Meanwhile the “I’m a reasonably good person” thoughts path is overgrown with a bunch of thorny bushes and brambles from disuse. Makes sense why those good thoughts feel so hard to access.
Oof, don’t get me on my soapbox about this one! Next!
I love this one. It’s one I feel like I could have benefitted from hearing years ago.
One thing I really love about memes and the internet in general is how much everyday experiences get normalized. Those weird little quirks and idiosyncrasies you have? Thousands of people can relate. You’re not as weird as you thought you were.
Hello! Who all has felt this way before? It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and stressed out when you’re in an overwhelming and stressful situation.
Let’s think about things us perfectionists would rather do than embrace the idea of uncertainty and the possibility of failure: wrestle a grizzly bear, go swimming in Antarctica, sleep in a pit full of snakes…
And yet, so, so important. If we’re so focused on never making a mistake, we start to incrementally limit ourselves to activities we absolutely know we can succeed in doing, instead of focusing on what activities can help us learn and grow.
Great depiction of therapy.
This is a great example of taking a break from responsibilities for rest and connection with others. He’s being flexible, spontaneous, and gentle with himself. Making time for rest and connection is an important part of making sure we don’t burn ourselves out.
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